Worship:Sat. 6:30pm; Sunday 8:00, 8:15; 10:30 & 10:45 & Monday 6:30pm. School Hrs. Mon-Fri 7:30-3
Driving Directions:
Trinity is located on the corner of Indiana Ave. & Joliet Street; East of the old Court House on Joliet (231). Coming from Lowell? Trinity is on 9-Mile in Crown Point.
About Us
Trinity Lutheran Church & School have been an active part of the Crown Point, Indiana community for nearly a century and a half. The ministries at Trinity are very outward focusted as the congregation and it's leaders seek to care for the needs of the Crown Point community and beyond.
Trinity Church now provides 6 weekend services. Saturday evening at 6:30pm (blended contemporary); Sunday morning 8:00 (traditional); 8:15 (contemporary in the gym); 10:30 (contemporary in the gym) 10:45 (traditional); Monday evening 6:30pm (relaxed traditional). There are a ton of opportunities at 9:30 on Sunday mornings for Sunday School, Youth Bible Classes and Adult Bible Study. There are a wide variety of Bible Studies available throughout the week as well. Some studies are in member homes while others are located at the church.
Trinity School has limited openings in grades Pre-K through 8th grade with student:teacher ratio averaging at 10:1. The teachers of trinity have an average 18 years of teaching experience with hearts that are dedicated towards innovative and exciting ways of Christian education.
Video Media
- Awestruck Festival-July 27th
- Awestruckfestival.com for Ticket Information
- Trinity Lutheran School is a Choice Voucher School
- Limited Openings for Fall/2013. Call for Details